Monk Timotheos Triantafyllos of Lemnos, sponsor and Ktetor Continue reading “Monk Timotheos Triantafyllos of Lemnos, sponsor and Ktetor”…
Depiction of Moses and the Flaming Bush and the Receipt of the Ten Commandments Continue reading “Depiction of Moses and the Flaming Bush and the Receipt of the Ten Commandments”…
Archangel Michael the Psychopompos (detail) Continue reading “Archangel Michael the Psychopompos (detail)”…
The Holy Trinity (Abraham’s Hospitality) / detail Continue reading “The Holy Trinity (Abraham’s Hospitality) / detail”…
The Assumption of Saint Ephraim of Syros (detail) Continue reading “The Assumption of Saint Ephraim of Syros (detail)”…
Second Coming (detail / dance of martyrs) Continue reading “Second Coming (detail / dance of martyrs)”…